
About Awakening Heart Network:

We are two like minded women who are committed to helping people awaken to their true potential and to the transformative, healing power within the human heart. We have both studied and practiced different forms of energy work as well as various manifesting techniques for many years and we know first hand what works and why. That’s why we formed Awakening Heart Network, a company solely dedicated to helping people manifest happiness, success, health and abundance. We want you to have the benefit of all of the years of our work and study and so we are hosting the top specialists in the fields of manifesting and healing to support you in creating consciously and in manifesting your dreams on every level.

Turiya Vallis

Turiya Vallis

Turiya is an award winning singer/songwriter, TV talk show host, actress and writer who has performed all over the US and who has an extensive background in behavioral therapy and various healing modalities. She has spent a great deal of time learning and practicing different energetic techniques in order to create more happiness and abundance in her own life. She is absolutely committed to helping people create lasting happiness and positive change in their lives and believes that happiness, joy, radiant health and abundance are our sacred birthright.

Donna Joyce

Donna Joyce

Donna is an Emmy Award winning producer/editor in addition to being a documentary and news videographer who has worked with international TV networks all over the world. As a direct result of working in war zones, for the past 20 years Donna has followed a quest that has led her to study, develop and professionally practice many healing modalities and techniques. She combines her spiritual/energetic work and her experience and background in TV in order to provide uplifting programs that will help create a better world. She is also a healing practitioner.

She is currently writing a book.

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