
Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

We invite you to share your Thanks-giving

The Awakening Heart Network family is extremely grateful for all of the blessings that have continuously graced our lives. We are so grateful for every one who joins us during our interviews ….all of the speakers and all of the listeners. We are grateful for all of the people who share and allow us to hold space for situations that are seeking change. We are grateful for the global healing circle and for the opportunity to serve and help bring positive change to this beautiful planet of ours. We offer the greatest gratitude to each and every one of you during this sacred time of reflection where we can all count our blessings and be reminded of our Divinity and Sacred Humanity. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We invite you to take a moment and share something you are thankful for in your life. By sharing your thanks you may help others be reminded of things they too are thankful for.

Thank you for sharing with us!

Warmly yours,

Turiya and Donna

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