Join us for another landmark release of Divine LIGHT,
Codes, Healing, and Assistance from the Future and the Realms of Light!
Celebrating our 3+ Years of Global Healing Forums!
Restoration Earth Activation
Restoring Earth to Its Pristine Pattern
In Attendance will also be the Guardians of Light and
Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy and this Activity of Light
Please prepare yourselves to receive
this Divine Healing and Powerful Alignment
Facilitated by Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD
Hosted by Awakening Heart Network
Register for the Replay!
Message from the Elementals
We of the Elemental Kingdoms come to reset the patterns of perfection in the Nature Kingdoms of the Earth, anchoring a Golden Age for all. We increase prosperity, joy and ease. We light up the world with our magical divine formulas. We lift the heavy burdens from the souls of humanity, those who are downtrodden and weary. We bring JOY as the new code for the Earth, restoring our beautiful Mother Nature to her pristine reality under the Great Divine Plan. We come to serve with you. To hold your hand and lead you into the fairest kingdoms so you can know the glory of the New World that is aborning within and through you and us together. Please join us for this mighty release, as we come to deliver a cornucopia of Divine Abundance to every participant in the Global Healing Mission. As you align with us, joining our Spiritual Alliance and attending each Global Healing Forum, we continue to pour our blessings upon you and assist you in every area of your life so you can flourish under the Great Divine Plan.
$33 Suggested Donation. Receive Special Bonus Gifts when you donate more!
The healing begins when you sign up! *100% of your $33 donation goes directly to our Global Healing Mission and Awakening Heart Network’s as well. Gifts are given when you donate above $33, which is always such a great support and so appreciated! Please Contact Us if you have personal or financial circumstances preventing your ability to donate as no one Is ever turned away.
More JOY, Fullment, Happiness & Prosperity!
Powerful healings take place in these Activations, each one bringing in special elements, keys and codes, upgrading and restoring the DNA to the Divine Pattern as the Divine Codes are set… a gift the Divine Ones have been instrumenting in each Divine Healing Transmission. These Divine Codes have included the Abundance, Destiny and Immortality Codes as well as Divine Archetypes that are releasing us from the codes of suffering… restoring us increment by increment to the Divine Intention… so we can actualize our greatest potential, retain longevity, perfect radiant health, and live the Abundant Life as Conscious Stewards of the Earth, masterfully living in our True Identity.
“I want to thank you for the Global Healing Forums each month. I came across them in August 2015, which was the first one I signed up for. It honestly was my sanity and peace through a challenging time, but it was the beginning of coming to so much more. Probably the major challenge was co-dependency and worth. I don’t think I would’ve understood it as much or had as much peace if I hadn’t had this beautiful support. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!” – A
“Why our Global Healings are so Powerful
So much change takes place every time… restoring us to the Divine Pattern, which is our Innate Divinity. We have easy access to our Higher Awareness, we live in our Authentic Selves more often and LIFE outpictures our divinity in the World of Form. This is a tremendous gift from the Realms of Light for all humanity at a critical time of the Awakening on Earth, Ascending us into the Truth of who we are, so we can play our unique role in the Coming Times. As we ascend into our pure light consciousness, we help humanity ascend into a Golden Age of Light, manifesting the Edenic Consciousness we are here to embody. Following each Global Healing Forum, there is a great increase of activity in the DNA that will send pulses to the human brain and restructure the thinking of humanity. Those of you receiving this gift will experience an increase in Higher Self Awareness and Higher Self Activity to where you will be operating more fully under Divine Patterns as many of the old programs will cease to exist. This can include a decrease in addictions, addictive behaviors, obsessive thinking, neuroses, human programming and beliefs systems that have kept you limited and unfulfilled, tendency to be negative or see things from a darker viewpoint. Instead, colors can become brighter and life more fulfilling as you enter the loving and joyous wonder of your Divine Self.
Aloha from Aurora
Aloha Everyone! We have been witness to the most glorious Divine Healing Transmissions, Activations and Assistance from the Divine Sponsors of this Activity of Light for over three years now, a tremendous testimony to the Divine Presence that is assisting us all in our Ascension into the Truth of who we are, which is transforming the world from within. Coming together each month, we are changing this holographic field to a more glorious reality than has been known on Earth for eons. That our future is now brighter as we rise into our Authentic Self and fulfill our Highest Destiny Potential, is the most precious gift from these forums. I feel so grateful for the great changes in my life and those around me. To have witnessed the timelines changing each Global Healing Forum as the psyche of humanity is cleared and dark matrixes, records and pollution are lifted from the planet is exciting. Especially when corresponding change in the outer world hits the news! Its is then we are able to see the tangible results of our focused inner work! The Sacred Alchemy that is occurring for us all is a tremendous testimony to the times, as the darkness in the Earth is restored to Divine Patterns of Perfection, with so many dark potentials transformed that would have completely devastated our world creating turmoil in our lives. The Codes of Suffering in the DNA and psyche of humanity that has created untold misery on Earth is being erased in each Forum. Thank you for joining me and offering your valiant service to the Light month after month
That our future is now brighter as we each fulfill our destiny is the most precious gift of all from these forums. I feel so grateful for the great changes in my life and those around me. To have witnessed the timelines changing each Global Healing Forum as the psyche of humanity was cleared of human debris has been hugely exciting. Then to witness that change outwardly in the news is quite an extraordinary experience after a whole adult life doing Global Healings yet never being aware of how far reaching the impact was and just what had changed each time. This is one aspect of this offering all of us 4 Priestesses are hugely enjoying
Watching the dark matrixes be restored to the Divine Intention, with so many dark potentials transformed has been the glory of this work as a Vessel of Healing and Light to the planet. As you have joined me month after month, your testimonials have poured in. Together we have made a huge difference and truly, we are not the same! Thank you for your valiant service to the Light month after month!
Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD
Making a Difference
Our monthly Global Healing Forums continue off the charts catalyzing a great soul acceleration in all the participants and positively affecting millions of souls, healing and raising the Earth. Each Activation has been a powerful catalyst. This timely acceleration and soul advancement is a tremendous gift to help us ascend into our fully empowered Illumined Selves, bringing us into a Time of Grace, as the world transforms revealing the Magical Life that is here and now available to Awakening Souls worldwide. Through this series of Divine Healing Transmissions, we are transported to ever new beneficent future potentials, where our Future Selves are illumined and free. This then helps us to align with the truth of who we are, each activation of the Divine Codes within us, coming into full manifestation as a Golden Age o
An Extraordinary Future Awaits!
This is the time when we rise into the glory of our Divine Nature. Ascending into rarefied states of consciousness, assisted by the Hosts of Light, the world is awakening and transforming around us. Monthly, we are called to participate in these Global Healing forums as Vessels of Light, each Divine Release bringing tremendous Healing, Activations and Blessings to our World! It is a glorious Destiny we are fulfilling together as we ascend into the glory our True Authentic Selves. Please join us!
Calling Violet Souls
Aloha Earth Angels!!! The Divine Ones are working closely with us in this time of Great Change, helping humanity come of age and live in their Authentic Power. The patterns of the past must be cleansed at the deepest level of the psyche of humanity. That is why the Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy are hosting these Global Healing Forums each month bringing these healing activations to us in fast succession to help accelerate the Ascension process that is birthing a New World.
You receive an unprecedented assistance from the Realms of Light that also allows a greater healing to take place, accelerating the Awakening of souls and the Ascension process we are in.This alliance with the Divine Ones allows individuals worldwide to awaken to their Divine Nature, remember their Divine Lineage and Origin, and stand strong in the truth of who they are fulfilling their unique Destiny on Earth.
It is highly recommended you take time to prepare for each Global Healing Forum as so much more can happen when you open fully to the Healing Light and Divine Assistance that is there for you each month. You can call to the Divine Sponsors and also connect in with their Divine Presence each month, as they begin working with you the moment you sign up and then continue assisting you at inner levels all month long.
With each Divine Healing Transmission and Activation, there is an integration process with ongoing assistance to your soul. You may experience a higher awareness, a greater ability to see things from a higher vantage point, to have more peace, serenity and ease, to be more aware of the Magic of Life and feel the wonder and awe of each precious moment. This is because you are being recalibrated back to your Divine Self, which helps you to live more often in this authentic reality… remembering who you are and awakening to greater aspects of your Self. Through this Divine Assistance, you are raising into a a higher frequency than you have ever experienced on Earth. Some call this a dimensional shift. It is a higher vibration and awareness that allows Higher Conscious states and Ways of Being. This is a tremendous lift to all who are ready to make a huge leap in their Soul Advancement. A gift of gifts from the Realms of Light!
The Divine Ones are working closely with us in the time of Great Change, helping humanity come of age and live in their Authentic Power. The patterns of the past must be cleansed at the deepest level of the psyche of humanity. That is why the Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy are hosting these Global Healing Forums each month bringing these healing activations to us in fast succession.
Those who participate with us receive an unprecedented assistance from the Realms of Light, in what has been an acceleration in the Awakening of souls worldwide.This alliance with the Divine Ones allows individuals worldwide to awaken to their Divine Nature and origin and stand strong in the truth of who they are, fulfilling their unique Destiny on Earth
In the next months, many people will have lucid dreams, insights, and awakenings… as they remember who they are and come into more awake states than ever before. There is a catalytic action whereby the soul will be transported to a higher frequency than it has ever experienced. Some call this a dimensional shift. It is a higher vibratory frequency that allows Higher Conscious states and Ways of Being. This is a tremendous lift to all who are ready to make a huge leap in their Soul Advancement. A gift of gifts from the Realms of Light!
About Aurora and the Temple of Sacred Alchemy…
OUR GLOBAL HEALING MISSION is dedicated to Advancing Humanity into an Age of Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace through our Universal Healing Ministry, Monthly Global Healing Forum, Virtual Healing Temple, Monthly Sacred Alchemy TeleWorkshop, The Oracle: A Voice of Positive Planetary Change weekly Radio Show, Advanced Healing Protocols, TheQuest Soul Healing System, Sessions, Trainings, Certification Courses, Sacred Alchemist Mastery Trainings at Sacred Sites Around the World, 7 Day Mastery Intensives in Sedona, Private Sedona Healing Retreats, Sedona Sacred Healing Temple B&B, The Lemuria Rising – Earth Vision Center Project, and Life Transforming Music, Books, Audio CDs, DVDs, TV Shows and Films
Thank you so much for joining us in this Journey into Awakening.
We welcome your comments, testimonials and feedback.We will be posting them in our upcoming blog and encourage you to share because yostory of success, healing and abundance will help others to also create the life of their dreams.
Wishing you all the best!
Hosts Turiya Valle and Donna Joyce, Awakening Heart Network
Global Healing Forums
Check out some of the many Testimonials pouring in from around the world…
“”In all the years of communing with the Divine Ones and frequenting the Realms of Light… receiving Divine Healing Transmissions for Global Transformation and more… I’ve never seen a Divine Healing Activation like this one today! It was beyond what I’ve ever experienced. The Light Release was so tremendous… I couldn’t move for a long time afterwards… nor even open my eyes. All the actions that occurred… raising our planet and all humanity were also greatly significant today. Each month we’ve been gearing up to this, being prepared, receiving the next cleansing and activation each Global Healing Forum. I am so grateful to be a part of this Great Offering through the Temple of Sacred Alchemy. Today… the tides were turned.. and a glorious new future is before us, all of us heralding it in together!!” -Aurora Juliana Arilel PhDl!!!!” “I am so thankful and blessed! Thank you! My consciousness has shifted! I can sense it now . This is such a gift, miracle, magic! I love you. How does it get any better than this?” Maria Aurora is such a phenomenal Vessel of Love and Light!! She held the space for all of humanity and the planet to transform through the gift of the Emerald Matrix which was placed into the DNA of those on the call and Awakening Souls worldwide. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary both came through so lovingly. The energy that filled the entire call was just incredible and then opened up spectacularly… the call ending with a huge peaceful presence that engulfed everyone!! Such an amazing experience!!!! I am so so grateful!!!!! ” “Aurora as the Divine Conductor orchestrated the perfect divine Symphony for all the participants worldwide. Akin, to the potency and the divine force of Niagara Falls !!! I received a sub-atomic healing for a serious lingering health problem with majesty and grace. This coming week is my final test and I fully expect the impossible to be possible !!! The far-reaching implications of these precious waves of divinity and the geometric progression in benefit to the Earth and Beyond, cannot be measured, but, only, experienced !!! We are making history together and changing the entire junctionary of the Earth and Beyond, Forever !!!!! In profound appreciation always,” Star Langford, California “Doc this one was different so much peace and joy it made more sense somehow, I was in a place of quiet and just received it was great.. Thank you x3!” Jen F “The Emerald Matrix Healing Forum was so filled with Love. Thank you for making it available for us.”Maureen The Global Healing Forum was wonderful! Really something special. I listened to it July 4th with my sister, who is just coming out of a coma, here in Washington, DC, It was much more exciting than the fireworks!” -Eve, Washington DC “THE DOWNPOURING OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY , IT WAS LIKE AN ANGEL WAS SITTING ON MY CHEST HOLDING ME STILL ON MY BACK AS I WAS RECIEVING !!! TY TY TY” – Randy “Another GREAT one! Aurora and everyone at Sacred Alchemy, Thank you for another great healing forum. I have been attending your forums for over 2 years now and am signed up for your newsletters. Thank you for all you are doing for our world. Much love.” – Shaun Englehart